David's page

David Penney 24th May 2020 This event has closed


In 2018 at the end of a long battle with Cancer and Parkinson's disease, Brenda was taken to Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall. She was looked after with greatest of dignity and respect during her stay there and even allowed the family to celebrate the Royal Wedding with an impromptu party that Brenda could be part of. Brenda sadly passed away shortly after, but knowing of the care and support Brenda had received gave the family great comfort during this time..

I've never run a marathon but know it will hurt! Knowing that my effort though is going some way to raise some money for this great charity will stay with me during my training during the cold and rainy days of winter, and ultimately get me through on the 24th of May. You all know I'll give it my all, so anything that you can spare would be gratefully received.

Sue Ryder supports people through the most difficult times of their lives. Whether that’s a terminal illness, the loss of a loved one or a neurological condition – they’re there when it matters. Their doctors, nurses and carers give people the compassion and expert care they need to help them live the best life they possibly can.


David Penney

26th January 2020
First week of the plan and seems to have gone well. Let's see how long this lasts!